Wednesday 7 September 2016

Louise Jones International Renowned Psychic ,,, On Star Seed Origin Readings & finding your Soul mate ,by Star seed matching you *

Have you ever thought that you are not typical of your star sign ,Or you & Your spouse are not compatible when you are supposed to be the perfect match , This may well  go way  Beyond Astrology  Star Signs !

Well with my research I  have discovered we are not just multicultural ,  we are multidimensional

Now before you Poo Poo this ,What I am about to tell you is I just want you to step out of comfort zone & Consider this for a few moments .

Our Conscience is rising with the New Galactic Wave coming in & This is a very crucial stage for humanity . The last time this happened was back in the time of Atlantis ,Conscience is the Key & Its about opening your heart & Mind .

We are Spiritual beings living a Human existence ,So for eg: Our Dogs or Cats are Spiritual Beings living a Animal existence !

From my research for many years now  As a Ufologist & Interviewing People From Ex Military ,Scientists to  U.F.O Contactees  , I am about to reveal a Big secret about our ET Heritage .                 I can Disclose Et`s Are our Forefathers ,We are the 6th Seed .

I can Reveal with my Findings most  Human DNA  Incredibly Contains  At least
12 ET Races  ,We only know what we are told & This is all down to the  Rhesus Negative Blood Group ,That does not contain the Monkey gene .

Now I am going to first tell you about your Soul Origins & How through careful analysis ,I can find your Star seed trait ,For eg: You may be a Star seed ,This means in a past life you have lived in a different World ,Not just on Earth . Star seeds are born without the conscience memory of why they are here on Mother  Earth ,But they may have a Subconscious  knowledge why they are . Usually the mission of a Star seed is to help Humanity.Star seeds are individuals who exist here on Earth in a 3 Dimensional Human body from another planet star system ,These Inter-dimensional or extra terrestrial souls have incarnated onto Earth through a Human body through normal process of birth ,But may or may not have the free will choice to be here ,Star seeds are chosen to come here on a mission to be here for a specific purpose .

Now this does Not mean you are a Alien from out of Space ,As you know you were born from Human Parents ,It means your Spirit could be Galactic ,Remember I am talking about Soul Origin ,Hybrids are totally different & I will Disclose this in a different Blog.

Star seed is broken down into 2 different types ,This is ( Star seed _Meaning Born Star seed )   & ( Star Seed Walk in )  ....  A Star seed walk in , Is a contract of exchange between the soul willing to walk in that takes place on a spiritual or cosmic level  ,Usually through Trauma ,Accident ect: Where the soul decides to leave ,So a Galactic Soul enters ( Many say peoples personalities change after coming out of a coma )

Star seed symptoms are  endless ,The main symptoms High  Psychic Abilities , Highly Telepathic ,Hurt easy ,Remote viewing & Can Astral Travel easy  Healing Abilities  , They  Find it Difficult to be around crowded places ,Stop Electric Devises Or Make them work when broken ,Find it Difficult to hold down a relationship ,Be fascinated with the Universe & Usually have had a Alien Encounter ,,Highly   Intelligent ,But many Star seeds have been diagnosed with unusual blood groups ,The list is endless .

Now Star seed origin contains many Galactic Species ,The ones I have researched are the Nordic race ,The Pleiadians ,The greys ,The Draconians  _ Well Known for the Reptilian Race  ,The Arcturians ,The Sirians ect : Star seeds come from all different parts of Galaxies & Star Systems & I have been able to match different soul seeds for compatibility  over the last year  within my Psychic  readings  & Seen Successfully Happy Couples come together in love & Harmony .                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I have also discovered Earth Angels .These are Reincarnated Angels from different realms .

Now Earth Angels are extraordinary beings & There is many Characteristics  to these Intelligent Sensitive Souls ,A lot of Earth Angels have trouble living within  a Physical Body so tend to have trouble with Weight Issues ,They are Highly sensitive & Very Psychic .They are either sent by out of  their control (No choice ),Or they come by choice  /.I would say Currently at the moment there is at least 3/4 Million Earth Angels here on Earth & More Still Entering .Some Earth Angels do know their origin & Their Spiritual duties ,Where as some have forgot  their Earth duties & have a hard time managing life on Earth ,Oh how I have met many !

Now remember this is your soul origin Not your body ,This is your Inner Being ! Your DNA Pattern is totally different .
I have also met Elementals ( Nature Spirits _ Devas -Fairies ) These Souls are also Very psychic But can be Very  naughty !

I have Discovered that  Some Souls Gel more than others For eg:  If Mr B came for a  Star Seed Soul Love Analysis  & He  had  a Human DNA body & A Soul of a Earth Angel & Was In Love With Miss A Who had Genetic heritage Of Reptilian /human But Her Soul Was Star Seed Reptilian too  ,This Would Work as Angels are Neutral  & Can Mix With Anyone .

But Lets say Miss x Who was Genetic Heritage Of Human & Had Soul  Star seed Fairy & She was in a relationship With Mr C Who Had Gentle Genetics Of Pleidian/Human ,But His Soul Was Star seed  of Reptilian ,I would Expect them to have a very Fiery  Relationship & It would be Very Sexual Indeed    ,But the Basis of their Genetics could make this a Long lasting Relationship Depending on their Souls Level of Brownie points ,Otherwise they will meet again in next life ,Depending if they are meant to be together  .Have you got me !

Ask your self ,Are you incarnated from another Galaxy ?,Would you like to know ? ,I can Soul match you on your Soul Origin to Help you to find your Soul Mate & Your Souls Mission ,We are all Souls Evolving ,Lets Embrace this Golden  New Age On this Very special Planet .New Souls are entering the Special Sacred Children are coming in now ,We have the Violet Indigo Children ,New Earth Angels ,New Star seeds ,Rainbow children & Crystal children this is the  New Super Human race ,To put the Good back on Mother Earth . Give me  a call on your Amazing  Past & I will put you to the Test ,With your Star Seed Readings Or your Star Seed Match .

May The Force Be With You Star Seeds

,Love & Light LJ